Take Up Space – Share Your Story
Growing up, we consistently went to 9:15 Sunday Mass and were always late without fail. My Dad would have our Oldsmobile Cutlass on two wheels as we careened into the parking lot long after the bells went silent.
To this day, I cringe when I think back to how I felt walking in after Mass had started. My eleven-year-old mind thought everyone was looking at us.
Those weekly traumatic moments turned me into an “If you’re not early, you’re late” kind of guy. I became an early bird, which is not bad, but my timidness to take up space was the more significant consequence. I would’ve rather stand in the back than worm my way into a crowded pew.
I’ve let go of my old worthiness stories through my journey, although I’m still super early to most things. Today, I believe that we have a right to take up space and share our stories.
“Everyone has a book inside of them – but it doesn’t do any good until you pry it out” – Jodi Picoult.
Storytelling is how the world changes, and right now, we need some change we can believe in, just sayin’.
Now, I’m not suggesting you need to publish a book, but I’m encouraging you to find a way to share the story about your courage, resilience, and badassery because right now, someone needs to hear it.
And maybe that someone is you.
Perhaps by sharing your story, it becomes your first ripple in creating the tomorrow you wish to see in the world.
This week’s video is all about sharing your voice, speaking your truth, and taking up space.
Until next week, remember to Pause Breathe Reflect on how uniquely awesome-sauce your story is and take up space, take up space, take up space. ‘
And, of course, it’s time to have fun storming the castle!