Be like a Goldfish – Advice from Ted Lasso
Last week at this time, I was knee-deep into a bad moment.
I was suffering from blood loss (over sixty ounces), low red blood cell levels (hemoglobin was 7.1), and “hit by a ton of bricks” side effects from the small oxycodone dose that I received before bed.
Although I barely had the energy to pick up my phone to text my wife, I knew that often our bad moments bring out the best in us and create fantastic stories.
My surgery was a visualization success, and I was able to go home two days earlier than expected. That said, my surgery’s overall success will come down to how I show up at this moment and this one and this one.
The present moment is where my, and your, control, success, and happiness hangs out. It’s not found in the past or chasing the future.
This week’s video was inspired by Apple TV’s favorite coach, Ted Lasso, and his sage advice to “be like a goldfish.” In the video, I’ve added a few other creatures to help us maximize the moments between our moments that make up our lives. I hope you like it.
This week, all Pause Breathe Reflect gear has been on sale to celebrate coming home. Today is the last day, and you can use the special code: TKR to get 20% off at checkout.
Until next week, remember to come back to your breath if you have a bad moment or two. You got this, and we got you!
And don’t forget to have fun storming the castle!