Shift Tip: Lessons from Dad

Happy Father’s Day 2021

Asked for a Happy Memory of Her Father, She Recalls Wrigley Field

His drinking was different in sunshine,

as if it couldn’t be bad. Sudden, manic,

he swung into a laugh, bought me

two ice creams, said One for each hand.

Half the hot inning I licked Good Humor

running down wrists. My bird-mother

earlier, packing my pockets with sunblock,

had hopped her warning: Be careful.

So, pinned between his knees, I held

his Old Style in both hands

while he streaked the sun block on my cheeks

and slurred My little Indian princess.

Home run: the hairy necks of the men in front

jumped up, thighs torn from gummy green bleachers

to join the violent scramble. Father

held me close and said Be careful,

be careful. But why should I be full of care

with his thick arm circling my shoulders,

with a high smiling sun, like a home run,

in the upper right-hand corner of the sky?

– Beth Ann Fennelly

Happy Father’s Day!

When I was younger, I thought doing well on the diamond, court, or alley (I grew up a big bowler) was the way to my Dad’s heart. Life seemed perfect when we were at a game – although we haven’t made it to Wrigley Field, yet. 

Over the years, I’ve realized that his love was unconditional and have grown to appreciate all the things he has taught me, including the hardest lesson we are struggling with today. You can discover it in this week’s video.  

Father’s Day, like Mother’s day, isn’t an easy holiday for all. Many celebrate their dear ol’ Dads, but others grieve. So if today is challenging for you, feel what you need to feel. We got you. 

Although I don’t think my Dad knows exactly what I do, I know he would consider our 20 Ripple Challenge to be awesome sauce. 

It starts tomorrow, and it will change your life because it will change your relationship with your life. So I hope you will join us – there will be prizes, and who doesn’t like prizes?  

Until next week, remember to Pause Breathe Reflect and have fun storming the castle!